• Aug 19, 2010


Aug 19, 2010


The Uncle Brothers, a troupe of musical performers specializing in educational concerts for schools, came to the John Grieco Elementary School last week to do songs for summer school students about preventing bullying.

Bill Reiner, left, and Tom Gardner, right, of the Uncle Brothers, perform Aug. 12 at the Grieco Elementary School's summer school program. The performers were part of a program about preventing bullying.

Tommy Gardner, who has been doing such assemblies for the last 12 years, came to the school with his partner Bill Reiner to entertain the students Tuesday and Thursday of last week, performing a variety of songs, some older and established, like "You're a Grand Old Flag," and "This Land Is Your Land," with which they open and closed the assemblies, and others rewritten for the students or to address bullying.

During the assembly, Gardner encouraged the students to do "AOK"s, or acts of kindness.

"They should be a part of every day," he told the students gathered in the school cafeteria.

The students were encouraged to sing and clap along, with Gardner teaching them the chorus to each number before it started.

The theme for the week was kindness, and he encouraged the students to become "teasebusters" and befriend other children who may seem different from them, rather than allow them to be teased.

"Part of understanding respect is understanding that we all have a place," Gardner said, likening the students to various animals in nature, and to melodies and harmonies in music, such as his acoustic guitar working in concert with Reiner's bass.

He also called students up onto the stage to quiz them on techniques to prevent and avoid bullying and to help lead the other students dance to the songs.

Another lesson imparted was that teachers and parents were the students' support group, and they should never forget the words, "I can." Gardner said he got into his act because he has a passion for music with messages.

The children, he said, respond well to the high energy music he presents, and he added that he makes an effort to have the songs appeal to the teachers as well.

The Uncle Brothers, which has nine CDs out and has won various awards, fills a huge need for students, Gardner said.

This type of program allows the students to take a break from the classroom, while it reinforces what their teachers are telling them.

E-mail: curley@northjersey.com or call 201-894-6705
