AH Teaches Japanese American History through the Arts

  • Oct 7, 2024

Arts Horizons has been selected as the lead partner with Global Kids for a National Park Service program to educate NYC public school students about the Japanese American Exclusion and Incarceration Story (JAEIS) through the arts. JAEIS will inspire middle school students to develop authentic stories which link JAEIS to current events and their own lives. 

The project will use the arts to engage learners in JAEIS historical content, build empathy, underscore the fragility of constitutional rights and further the Nation's commitment to equal justice. Largely unknown in the eastern U.S., the JAEIS program will touch a new audience consisting of diverse youth as well as schools and teachers who serve them through this project and partnership.  

Arts Horizons is excited to work with our professional teaching artists including Talo Kawasaki, Yasuyo Tanaka, Navida Stein and consultants Kinari Sakamoto and Kiyoka Rhodes. Our artists will go into NYC public schools and work with over 700 middle school students. 

For more information, please contact:
Marion Ahamat, Program Manager
NJ Phone: 201.567.1766 x 105
NY Phone: 212.268.7219 x 105